Douse My Fire…Hurry!

The leaping flames, the hot arid smoke, he runs like lightning with the hose in his hands ready to douse the sparks! Good beginning for a juicy romantic novel, but I’m talking about a real big fire that firefighters have to deal with and any ways this is a design site and not Mill&Boons. The design to look out for is a new type of hydrant that uses zinc casting as a base. Featuring RFID, independent power and lighting system, this new hydrant could help firefighters save precious moments as they locate and hook the hose to it.

什么冷杉efighters are going to like the best about this hydrant is its cap. The thing has been fashioned in such a way that they won’t have to remove their awkward fireproof gloves to open it. Summertime fun with this hydrant is a big no-no!

Designer: Jon Cervin