3 d印制植物雕塑作为室内空间的空气净化器



一家公司已经创建了这些plant-looking雕塑称为纯植物通过3 d打印和他们不只是装饰物品的空间。他们实际使用纯。科技technology to turn these “plants” into air purifiers that are able to absorb and neutralize carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and other volatile organic compounds. Basically, these 3D-printed plants serve as air purifiers to make the indoor air you breathe a little bit healthier.

雕塑使用各种几何图案和参数系统,试图像植物或者至少沙漠仙人掌和其他生物。他们看起来很好,也可以很好的聊天一旦人们找出它并不是一个真正的植物。它是由纯。科技biomaterial which is made up of the tech and PLA, a bioplastic that is made from corn dextrose. This has been turned into a 100% natural mineral compound so the material used to create the living sculptures are also sustainable.
