
浪费是一种自然的大多数过程的最终结果。产生的工业废水量今天积累和停滞随着时间的推移,慢慢地阻碍,我们的环境恶化。然而,今天的设计师都非常清楚,并作出实质性的努力减少他们的碳足迹在地球上!马建将可持续性和设计,他们合并两个部门。812创意设计,基于多学科设计工作室在葡萄牙,最近创建了城市家具构件称为“Bruto”。Bruto什么特别之处呢?超过40%的成分是工业废料!通过将工业废水纳入他们的工作,设计工作室希望鼓励创建和有意识的环保和可持续消费的产品。它们不仅使用工业废料创建产品,但他们也减少制造废物。通过削减成一块,他们确保没有材料会浪费,以及它的使用的。 The aesthetics of Bruto are extremely simple and clean, devoid of any vanity. Created from cement, sand and of course industrial waste, these elements give a naturally rugged and rough appearance to the piece. The bare geometric shape and block-like structure of Bruto radiate a humility, rarely seen in the flamboyant designs of today. Swinging somewhere between hues of off-white and grey, it’s a minimalistic piece of furniture, free of any pretensions. ‘Bruto’ would be an ideal piece of furniture for any public space, fitting in perfectly at a park, or as a little seating section in other public areas.


